

Social Media: Top IP Related Legal Risks

Social media is a necessary tool for businesses to market their products and services and a business on its own for influencers. The speed and popularity of social media can magnify the legal risks associated with posting content online. Learn the top legal risks that businesses and influencers should be attuned to in Canada and the U.S. and get the latest on how to best advise clients in the social media space. 

Sarah Robertson Dorsey & Whitney LLP (New York)
Caroline Jonnaert ROBIC LLP (Montréal)
Moderator: Colleen Stanley Stanley Law (Toronto) 


Intellectual Property Institute of Canada
360 Albert Street, Suite 550
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7X7 Canada
613-234-0516 |


Institut de la propriété intellectuelle du Canada
360, rue Albert, bureau 550
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7X7 Canada
613-234-0516 |

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